Good Shepherd Lutheran Church

a congregation of the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod


9:30am—Divine Service

10:50am—Refreshments, Sunday School, & Education Hour


10:00am—Morning Prayer (Starting Sept. 13th)

6:00pm—Evening Prayer (Starting Sept. 13th)

6:30pm—Food, Fellowship, & Study (Starting Sept. 13th)

We are a community gathered and led by the Good Shepherd, Jesus Christ

to receive God’s gifts

grow in life together

and share His Good News with the world


Learning at GSLC

Good Shepherd is a place where followers of Jesus grow in many ways, one of the most important being learning together.

Sunday School will begin meeting on September 10th. Please email Helena Nielsen ( for more information.

Sunday Education Hour begins on September 10th. The focus for the autumn will be “Ask the Pastor!” We’ll be going through some of the most common, difficult, and interesting questions pastors get asked. Email Pr. Jordan Voges for more information (

Wednesday Study will be led by GSLC’s Head Elder, Tony Hallman, starting September 13th. The topic for the autumn/winter will be a closer look at why we worship the way we do. Email Tony for more information (

“For He is our God,

and we are the people of His pasture,

and the sheep of his hand.”

Psalm 95:7

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